Category Archives: Latin America + Caribbean

COVID-19 in Amazonas- Astronomy strikes back

Target location: Brazil, all Portuguese-speaking countries, and Japan. Target audience: Social isolation affects all people of different ages. Therefore, the project was formatted in such a way that the following audiences were served: 1: Literacy children up to the 5th. year of primary school; 2: Children of the 6th. year until the 9th. year of […]

Behold the sky: Final report

Behold the Sky is an ongoing project that consists of loaning of solar PST telescopes and education material to teachers (AstroKits) that receive training in solar astrophysics topics.  Goals: make available 2 new AstroKits (there were 3) as well as reformulate and include new education materials on all kits. We completed 5 Astrokits: We bought […]

Final report

Project website: Project Objectives:– To create and distribute educational kits composed of tactile 3D maps of galaxies accompanied by a manual and multimedia material to educators working with BVI students that want to introduce Astronomy concepts in their classrooms, or to astronomers and/or science outreach coordinators that want to do more inclusive Astronomy considering […]


This proposal focuses on ethno-astronomy, in particular on indigenous astronomy in Brazil. The project will be conducted in Aldeia Verde, a Maxakali Village in Minas Gerais, where the idea was born through the encounter of one of the astronomers and two cacique (leaders) of the community. The project involves the collaboration of indigenous researchers of […]


The COSMOamautas program (amauta=teacher/knowledgeable in the indigenous language Quechua) aims to bring teacher training workshops in Astronomy and Space Science to high school teachers in rural areas in Peru. We have selected rural communities where the first professional national telescopes have been recently built, yet their presence has made no significant impact on the science […]