Target location: Brazil, all Portuguese-speaking countries, and Japan.
Target audience: Social isolation affects all people of different ages. Therefore, the project was formatted in such a way that the following audiences were served:
1: Literacy children up to the 5th. year of primary school;
2: Children of the 6th. year until the 9th. year of primary school;
3: Young people who are in high school;
4: Adults in Youth and Adult Education;
5: Deaf community;
6: Indigenous Community;
7: Afro-Brazilian community;
8: Japanese-Brazilian community.
The central idea is to bring relevant discussions in astronomy to teachers and students in the public education system. The implementation plan consists of videos, “live streams” on social networks and development of manuals for teachers and students. The project is supported by the following Brazilian entities: ABP, FAPEAM, MCTIC, CNPq, UEA, Planetarium Digital of Manaus and Parintins.