The “Under Other Skies” project is using astronomy as a tool to help face COVID-19 induced isolation in the indigenous village ‘Aldeia Verde’, in Mina Gerais, Brazil. It aims at bridging different visions of the Universe by collecting indigenous knowledge. The project’s main objective is to record, transcribe and translate unpublished songs about the sky […]
Category Archives: Under other skies: dialogues of different cosmological paradigms
The project team have published an article on the project, the impact of COVID-19, and its ‘rebirth’ in a virtual setting. Published in By Arianna Cortesi, Claudia Magnani, Roberto Romero, Paula C.P. Silva, Sueli Maxakali, Isael Maxakali, Ana Maria R. Gomes OtherSkies, an OAD/IAU-funded project, tackles these questions by collecting native narratives, chants, and […]
This proposal focuses on ethno-astronomy, in particular on indigenous astronomy in Brazil. The project will be conducted in Aldeia Verde, a Maxakali Village in Minas Gerais, where the idea was born through the encounter of one of the astronomers and two cacique (leaders) of the community. The project involves the collaboration of indigenous researchers of […]