Category Archives: 2023

Astro Tourism Project in Malaysia Makes A Mark

The objectives of this project were: (i) To expose tourist guides to knowledge in astronomy. (ii) To equip them with extra skills in entrepreneurship and astro-tour hospitality and service. (iii) To revamp the tourism sector in Peninsular Malaysia with a new niche in astronomy tourism. Activities The original plan was to conduct a 10-day physical […]

Targeting Girls in Rural Schools Through Astronomy

The objectives were to increase the level of girl-child participation in astronomy and space science education, and in the long term, produce female scientists that will contribute positively to space science development and the economy of Africa. Activities a). Solar system Modelling: This activity was executed at CBSS observatory complex on 7th of June 2023. […]

LightSound Devices Open Up Astronomy to BVI Audiences

The LightSound Project had a goal of building and donating LightSound solar eclipse sonification devices to audiences along the October 2023 annular and the 2024 total solar eclipse path (USA, Mexico, Canada). LightSound is a device that uses a light sensor to measure the brightness of light and the device then converts it to sound […]

Value Re-orientation Among Inmates Through Astronomy

The Astro-prison Consolidation is an astronomy-based programme which was sponsored by the International Astronomical Union-Office of Astronomy for Development in partnership with the Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka Nigeria, the Carmelite Prisoner’s Interest Organization (CAPIO), Enugu Nigeria and Servants of the Poor (SP), Nigeria. The project which took place in three Medium Correctional Centres […]

Practical Space Project Engages Students in Ghana

The CanSat Ghana initiative, sponsored by the OAD, aimed to promote astronomy awareness in Ghana through practical engagement with electronics and satellite design. This educational competition empowered high school students aged 14 to 18 to learn how to construct CanSats (satellites in a can) and compete to demonstrate their skills. The project involved 107 students, […]