Author Archives: joy

Highlights from Science Forum South Africa 2024

The Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) recently participated in the annual Science Forum South Africa, hosted by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI), which took place from December 4th to 6th, 2024. On December 6, 2024, we co-hosted a session with the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) focused on the impact […]

Astrotourism Initiatives Survey

At the IAU-OAD we are exploring ways to use astronomy for sustainable socioeconomic development. Astrotourism, or tourism activities involving the night sky, have the potential to generate economic benefits in a way that both contribute to sustainable development and protect the natural resource of dark skies. Our Astrotourism flagship directly links astronomy and tourism, harnessing its potential […]

OAD Project Calls for Support To Rebuild Library Destroyed by Fire

A fire destroyed the Ninho das Águias Community Library, located in the community of Pavão, in the neighbourhood of Copacabana (RJ) in Brazil. The library has carried out important actions, since 2011, for children and young people in the region, including hosting the Closer to the Sky project funded by the IAU OAD. The project […]

Highlights of the OAD at the IAU-GA 2024

The OAD team played a pivotal role in organizing the IAU-GA 2024, with our director and deputy director serving as chair and vice-chair of the national organizing committee, and other OAD team members also making significant contributions. Their expertise and dedication were instrumental in ensuring the successful execution of this landmark event. In addition to […]

Astrotourism Resources

Astrotourism for Socioeconomic Development Traditionally, astrotourism has been a niche pursuit, centered around scientific exploration and specialized equipment. However, this narrow focus has limited its potential to drive socioeconomic development in rural communities. Our approach is a radical departure from the norm. We believe that by reimagining astrotourism as an extension of ecotourism and cultural […]