Category Archives: Sub-Saharan Africa

Overview: Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria

The project “Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria” is a unique project geared towards awakening the interest of the girl-child for active participation in astronomical activities. In Africa, the study of astronomy is lagging compared to what is obtainable in the western world. The story is not different in Nigeria as […]

Overview: AstroPhy Ghana

The project AstroPhy Ghana aims to train Senior High Schools (SHS)/University level 100 students within Accra in Ghana and introduce the students to basic python programming language, astronomy observation and data reduction. A table-top radio telescope (TTRT) will be built using a software-defined radio as a receiver, an amplifier and a horn as an antenna […]

Overview: Scouts for Astronomy

Core project idea: To hold an astronomy-scouts camp for students between the ages of 12 and 15 years to build interest in Astronomy and protecting the night sky, to inspire uptake of STEM and engineering subjects for both girls and boys and forge relationships with the Kenya Scouts Association. What we will do: We will […]

Overview: Elimisha Msichana Elimisha Jamii na Astronomia (2023)

Due to several socio-economic issues such as early marriages, teenage pregnancies & poverty, schoolgirl dropout rates are high in rural areas of Kenya & Uganda during the primary-to-secondary transitions. EMEJA aims to address these issues via Astronomy outreach programmes, mentorship, & targeted STEM workshops and scholarships opportunities. These are guided & supported by long-term student […]

Overview: Internet of Things Lab for Air Quality Monitoring

Anthropogenic activities emit particulate matter (PM) and gaseous substances that are harmful. PM has adverse effects on different parts of the body. Atmospheric pollution is a global threat with an increasing social and economic costs. Poor air quality is a concern in African cities but governments have been too slow to react, one of the […]