SPACE UNMSM in Peru invites students in 3rd-5th grades at Peruvian state secondary schools to apply for a series of after-school astronomy classes. These free virtual classes will admit a limited number of students. Coordinated under the project ‘Ask An Astronomer (Pregúntale A Un Astrónomo)’ awarded an OAD COVID-19 grant. #AstroClases Registration deadline: Friday, January […]
Category Archives: Ask An Astronomer
Pregúntale A Un Astrónomo ( Ask An Astronomer, in English) is an education and outreach project created by SPACE-FCF-UNMSM where topics of interest in astronomy are discussed by two young Peruvian astronomers, Victor Vera and Jhon Yana, along with special guests.
Target location: Perú Target audience: Firstly: School children and young people. Secondly: First year undergraduate students. Thirdly: Any interested people. “Ask an Astronomer” is a science education and outreach project carried out weekly on social media where two Peruvian young astronomers discuss open questions and important topics in astronomy and space sciences. The program will […]