GATA Challenge brought together groups of amateurs and professional astronomers and computer programmers, designers, storywriters etc to develop technological applications that support astronomical cultural content in Arabic language. The project invited inter-disciplinary teams for an open competition to innovate on a technological means. About 100 applications were received from which 12 teams were shortlisted. A pre-event was […]
Category Archives: 2017
Madagascar Astronomy Python Workshop (MadaAstroPy) was a Python programming workshop for scientific postgraduate students in the field of physics / mathematics / engineering and particularly targeted for astrophysics students in Antananarivo, Madagascar for the first time. The workshop was held at the Institute & Observatory of Geophysics in Antananarivo (IOGA) within the University of Antananarivo from […]
A Global Competition on Creating an Educational Video on Astronomy was held by the OAD project ”Looking …Up! Astronomy for ALL”. A total of 46 entries were received from 6 countries around the world. Out of five finalists, two winners were selected in the end. They are Winners: Stop motion animation video on the […]
At the Science Forum South Africa 2017, the Honourable Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, presented awards of recognition to Phil Charles, Patricia Whitelock, Khotso Mokhele, and Kevin Govender, for their contributions in South Africa being selected as the host of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development. The recorded video of the award ceremony […]
The OAD participated in the 2017 Science Forum South Africa (SFSA) in Pretoria, South Africa. SFSA aims to create a platform for a vibrant debate on the role of science, technology and innovation in society and promote international STI partnerships. The third SFSA was held from 7 – 8 December 2017 at the CSIR International […]