Project title: The Universe – our home full of wonders Project leader: Paweł Zieliński Regular updates on This project is a result of cooperation between science centre Innovation Centre Mill of Knowledge and New Space Foundation. Both parties are active on local level (Toruń, kujawsko-pomorskie region) and have been realizing projects and initiatives addressed to children, […]
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Project title: Astronomy Skits for Secondary School Science Education Project leader: Dr. Christopher Corbally At the 2013 INSAP VIII Conference on “The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena,” co-authors and Co-Founders of The Human Sentience Project©, Margaret Boone Rappaport, PhD, an anthropologist, and Christopher J. Corbally, PhD, an astronomer, performed two costumed Astronomy Skits to a warm […]
Project title: Modern Astronomy: Science/Technology Transfer in the SEA-ROAD Region Project leader: Mr. Martin Callaway Website: The aim is to conduct a 2-day seminar in Chiang Mai, Thailand and on Doi Inthanon at the Thai Natiolnal Telescope to introduce about 30 senior secondary school students from the South-East Asia (SEA-ROAD) region to the ways in […]
Project title: Astro party Project leader: Mr. Ivo Jokin “Astroparty” is held every year and its ninth edition was held in this year. The first Astroparty was held in 2005, when it was organized at regional level, but this year its range has become wider. More and more people are showing interest. Thanks to it […]
Project title: West African International Summer School for Young Astronomers Project leader: Dr Bonaventure Okere The NASRDA Centre for Basic Space Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, in collaboration with the Dunlap Institute at the University of Toronto, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) and Institute for Science and Engineer Educators’ (ISEE) at the University of […]