Online workshop for worldwide francophone teachers, offered by Discover the Univers/À la découverte de l’Univers
As planned, the online workshop was offered between November 9th and 27th 2015. We had a total of 176 participants from 11 countries on 3 continents. Not all participants were very active, as in all free online workshops, but a group of dedicated teachers provided extremely positive comments in the online survey. For example, 100% of participants who filled the survey said they would recommend our workshop to other teachers.
On our end, the workshop went extremely well and it was interesting to reach people from many different countries. It made the Earth feel even smaller! The workshop was presented by Discover the Universe’s coordinator, Julie Bolduc-Duval. An astronomy graduate student from Université Laval in Quebec city helped with questions and managed the Facebook group associated with the workshop.
Videos of the training session (in French)
Read more at the website –