
We are happy to report that all the goals for the Project were reached without any problems.

The weekly astronomy radio show “Obsesión por el Cielo” will continue to be freely available to everyone in podcast format through our provider, PodBean, for the next three years. We also secured the “obsesionporelcielo.net” domain name which we used to open a new website for the show (http://obsesionporelcielo.net/), and also arranged for web-hosting fee payments for the next three years.
We have produced (written, recorded and edited) four audio recordings that will help the public orient and familiarize themselves with the night skies. Each audio guides the listener through the available constellations for a particular season of the year. These were made available to the general public in two different ways:

– As free downloads at our new website for “Obsesión por el Cielo
– 1,000 CDs for general distribution during star parties, conferences, etc. These CDs also included general seasonal star charts as visual aids to the audios, maps of all the individual constellations for binocular use, and also included installation versions of “Stellarium” (a free open source planetarium software for the computer).

About 250 of the 1,000 CD ROMs produced. The main design pattern is also shown on the CD themselves and the front cover of the protective envelopes.
About 250 of the 1,000 CD ROMs produced. The main design pattern is also shown on the CD themselves and the front cover of the protective envelopes.
Middle school students that attended an astronomy lecture at the Universidad de Monterrey during the “Semana Nacional de la Ciencia y Tecnología” (National Science and Technology Week) in October 2015 show their “Un Paseo por el Cielo” CD ROMs.
Middle school students that attended an astronomy lecture at the Universidad de Monterrey during the “Semana Nacional de la Ciencia y Tecnología” (National Science and Technology Week) in October 2015 show their “Un Paseo por el Cielo” CD ROMs.










Listen to the podcasts on: http://obsesionporelcielo.podbean.com/