The AstroEdu3D – Archeoastronomy Teaching Kit in Bolivia project developed teaching kits in Cultural Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the Tiwanakota culture of Bolivia. The objective was to provide resources to educators and students interested in Astronomy and pre-Inca cultures of Bolivia to develop a class on Tiwanacota Archeoastronomy topic. The products of […]
Tag Archives: archaeoastronomy
The Astro3DBol project is developing and distributing Archaeoastronomy educational kits in the context of the Tiwanakota culture of Bolivia. The target audience are educators and those interested in Astronomy and the pre-Inca cultures of Bolivia who may develop a thematic class of Tiwanacota Archaeoastronomy. The products of the project are didactic kits, workshops for the […]