This application concerns the continuation (year 2) of an previously approved project. The project aims at fully developing and implementing a research tutorial, Astrolab, in universities in need of astronomy infrastructure and curriculum, allowing undergraduate students in sciences to perform real-time observations on a remote telescope, and transforming those observations into a scientific result. The goal of this project is twofold : a) to introduce students to the scientific research method in general by working scientifically through project development and preparation, data acquisition and treatment, analysis and conclusions. b) to enhance interest in science studies by making them more attractive and getting the students involved in the “learning”Â. The level is that of science students at an introductory astronomy course (1st or 2nd BSc), but can be adapted downwards as well as upwards. Astrolab is implemented at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel since 5 years. This project is a pilot one: it will first be developed in 2 partner universities, and after a test period of 3 years it could be implemented in various other universities.