Our project idea is to open Astronomy Clubs (one in a university, one in a secondary school and one in a primary school) for quality education and gender equality, and to distribute thirty telescopes in schools across the republic ( ten in ten state Universities, ten in ten secondary schools, seven in seven primary schools and three in three nursery and pre-nursery schools) for partnership and good Ties between us, the Astronomy Club Of Cameroon and the IAU NOC Committee wih the difference institutions and ministry of higher education and that of the primary education. This will give us the opportunity to engage all levels of the education to participate in Astronomy aspects. These telescopes will be donated to science clubs in the various schools that will work hand to hand with us. So far, we have permission from there different school authorities ( one university, one secondary, and one primary) to open an After School Astronomy Clubs in their schools and l the NOC and the NOC Committee members were fully ready for this. Our only drawback was the budget. Since Astronomy Club Of Cameroon is the only existing Astronomy Club in Cameroon, we think these initiatives will help reduce our load and easily bring Astronomy knowledge to the community.
Contact: Mbonteh Ndunge ndungeroland@gmail.com