Project title: DPRK astronomy
Project leader: Prof. Richard de Grijs
An exchange and training programme has been initiated between the Pyongyang Astronomical Observatory (PAO) and counterparts in China, supported by the IAU and monitored by the East Asian node of the Office of Astronomy for Development.
PAO has sent a senior researcher and one of his PhD students to the Huairou solar observatory, which is part of the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), and located some 50 km outside of Beijing. Accommodation at Huairou solar station is provided in kind by NAOC.
During their 6 month-long exchange visit, the DPRK researchers are actively involved in research projects at the host institution, which will eventually lead to publications in the international peer-reviewed literature. Upon their return to the DPRK, they will act as mentors to their colleagues there.