AMANAR 2.0 has the main goal of providing scientific education and inspiring children living in the Saharawi refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) and to promote common understanding and a sense of world citizenship. It will be developed considering the experience gained from the previous 2019 edition and using the already established strong contacts at the camps.
In Tindouf, we will carry out workshops with teachers, including operation with amateur telescopes, where Astronomy serves as a didactic resource to help them organize inspiring and empowering activities with their students. Moreover, outreach activities with primary and secondary schools will be performed, with the help of donated telescopes and educational material. Additionally, this year, we will initiate and support training programs at 2 professional schools, where young people continue their education in professions needed in the camps as identified by local institutions. The content will focus on astronomy-related skills, such as image/video processing and editing.
Following the pilot edition, we will collaborate with the Sahrawi Ministry of Culture to research and disseminate the astronomical knowledge of the Sahrawi people. To this end, this year we will incorporate special technical equipment, training and internships for the local personnel to engage the population and bring the gathered information to all society. We will collaborate with them to develop videos and handbooks to be used with local teachers, which will be open worldwide.
On the other hand, the project will support activities within the “Holidays in Peace” program which are expected to take place, not only on the Canary Islands, but in other cities in Spain and Italy.
Finally, AMANAR 2.0 will create audiovisual content to encourage global citizenship and promote understanding and long-term peace to help alleviate the concerns, distrust and despair that the younger generation bears due to the current political situation.
Contact: Sandra Benítez Herrera,