The 2nd Regional Workshop of IAU South West and Central Asian Regional Office of Astronomy for Development was held on 20 September 2018 in Byurakan in frame of the meeting “Instability Phenomena and Evolution of the Universe” dedicated to Viktor Ambartsumian’s 110th anniversary.
The workshop:
• Brought together astronomers from the region
• Discussed the recent developments and studies of Astronomy in the region
• Allowed young researchers meet experienced scientists in related fields for the benefit of their further professional career.
Participants of the Workshop also were invited to participate to the VI Byurakan International Summer School for Young Astronomers (6BISS) and International Conference “Instability Phenomena and Evolution of the Universe” both held at the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory.
The proceedings of the workshop are published at Communications of Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory: