DarkSky International’s Principles for Responsible Astrotourism

As the astrotourism and dark sky tourism sectors grow globally, there is a strong need to advocate for responsible tourism that both protects the environment and prioritises sustainability. Drawing from the unique contexts of night sky tourism and lessons learned from the broader tourism sector, DarkSky International has released a new set of guiding principles for responsible nighttime tourism. The OAD is proud to endorse these principles, which aim to for community benefits through dark sky experiences, honour local knowledge and ways of life, and prioritise the protection of the nighttime environment.

“As we endeavour to use astronomy for a better world, we strongly support DarkSky International’s Principles of Responsible Astrotourism, as they capture the spirit of kindness, respect and consideration for both people and nature, which is so desperately needed in areas of rapid growth such as astrotourism.”

— Kevin Govender, Director, Office of Astronomy for Development

DarkSky International’s Principles of Responsible Astrotourism

  1. Use light responsibly
    Adopt DarkSky’s Responsible Outdoor Light At Night (ROLAN) principles to safeguard the nighttime environment while enhancing visual safety. Ensure outdoor lighting is purposeful, targeted, low-level, controlled, and warm-colored.
  2. Protect the natural environment
    Ensure tourism activities and operations do not disrupt wildlife or the natural environment. With 69% of mammals being nocturnal, many species rely on natural darkness for survival.
  3. Support the well-being of residents
    Consider the needs and activities of local residents, aiming to enhance their experience of the nighttime environment while minimizing any negative impacts on the community.
  4. Honor local and First People cultures
    Respectfully and collaboratively integrate local and First People, their traditions, and their knowledge, where possible, with free, prior, and informed consent, recognizing their cultural significance and ensuring sensitivity in its application.
  5. Adhere to local regulations
    Comply with all relevant local regulations in the areas where you operate, ensuring responsible and legal practices. Support and promote regulations protecting natural darkness, ensuring future generations enjoy the night sky.
  6. Foster sustainable economic growth
    Contribute to the local economy by generating meaningful direct and indirect economic benefits for local people and communities.

Read more about DarkSky’s Principles of Responsible Astrotourism and the collaborative process behind its creation. Feel free to download and share the accompanying resources below.

PDF: Principles for Responsible Astrotourism (poster)

PDF: Principles for Responsble Astotourism (user guide)