HANDS IN THE STARS Encyclopediac Dictionary of Astronomy for Sign Language – English, French, Spanish Sign language is now officially practised in almost every country, but diverse heritages and different cultures independently developed specific signs to designate common objects or identical situations. A Universal Sign Language is gradually being developed, mainly to designate objects and […]
Category Archives: Sign Language Universal Encyclopedic Dictionary
This project is devoted to make a cross check between the signs in different part of the Globe and also detect the missing terms and, if it is possible, try to choose only one sign for all the deaf people on the world. At this moment we are translating to the English the book by […]
Project leader: Dominique Proust, dominique.proust@obspm.fr Project location: Global Project description: This project proposes the dissemination of a unique language for the deaf worldwide, associated with astronomical terms. While celestial objects are varied and the project can be expanded easily, the proposal will give special attention to the basic terms linked with the IYL2015, for example […]