Project leader: Jayanta Acharya, Project location: Nepal Project Description: The massive earthquake in Nepal destroyed homes, schools, universities and other buildings. Investment will be required not only to rebuild infrastructure but also for psychosocial counseling to ensure that children are able to cope with the trauma and resume with their lives. Astronomy may help […]
Category Archives: Central and South Asia
Project leader: Shahjahan Mridha, Project location: Bangladesh Project Description: A pilot astronomy project will develop an Astronomy Outreach Center in Bangladesh. The Center will be the first of its kind in Bangladesh and aspires to fulfill two goals cited in the IAU Strategic Plan: – the role of astronomy in promoting global tolerance and […]
The following article is from the website of University of California Santa Cruz, where one of the project coordinators is completing his graduate studies in astrophysics. By Peggy Townsend If not for a down-on-his luck Mongolian astronomer with a penchant for drinking, 44 schools in that rugged country might not have telescopes with which to peer […]
Project leader: Kathan Kothari, Project location: India Project description: Manthan Educational Programme Society, India is a not for profit organisation focused to ameliorate and instill fresh methods in science communication and entrepreneurship amongst students and community at large. ( During IYA 2009, Manthan worked on a project ‘Astronomy on Camel Cart’ during 100 Hours […]
Project leader Bonnie Thurber, Project location: Digital: Chile, China, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, and the United States Project description: Using only the sunlight striking the Earth and a wooden dowel, students can measure the circumference of the earth. Eratosthenes did it over 2,000 years ago. In Cosmos, Carl Sagan shared the process by which Eratosthenes […]