The project will create a syllabus/teaching kit about radio astronomy with multidisciplinary characteristics useful for teaching of electronics, signal processing and astronomy to undergrad University level, based on SDR (Software Defined Radio). Radio astronomy is a technical field of astronomy with advanced electronic & signal processing techniques. Typical Radio-astronomy syllabi and existing teaching kits focus […]
Category Archives: 2021
In Kenya, although 70.4% of girls aged 15-19 years manage to achieve some sort of primary education only 4.5% complete secondary education (World Bank, 2012). Only 3.5% of women (aged 15+) have completed tertiary education (World Bank, 2015). This is due to many socio-economic challenges such as teenage pregnancies, early marriages, FGM, poverty and lack […]
Micro:bit is a pocket programmable device that allows children and young people to learnhow to program in a simple, playful and creative way. Its integrated sensors (buttons,compass, accelerometer, temperature, brightness, Bluetooth connection, LED matrix) allowthe development of STEM projects, in which children and young people, almostautonomously and in groups, can learn and lead all phases […]
Problems to address:- Low rational and critical thinking capability at almost all levels which have been hindering the much needed fast development in the whole system in the country, and blocking mitigation strategy in emergency situation (eg. natural disasters, pandemic such as now, climate change related issues, etc)- Low infrastructure and human resource causing gaps […]
The aim of this project is to bring astronomical material to students and teachers from less favored Chilean public schools in the frame of Asteroid Day 2021. We plan to create and distribute an educational kit in different schools along Chile.In our experience doing outreach with our initiative “Star Tres”, we noticed that many teachers […]