Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Compelling stories, curious science: #UnlockingScience launched

In an online series, the International Science Council presents fascinating insights behind the science of sustainability. Press release by the International Science Council Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, this dynamic online series uncovers the innovative global stories of scientists and how they are addressing inequalities, engaging policymakers and the public, and pioneering a more […]

Astronomy as a Tool to Face COVID-19 Isolation in an Indigenous Village

Under Other Skies project to face COVID-19 Isolation in Indigenous Village

The “Under Other Skies” project is using astronomy as a tool to help face COVID-19 induced isolation in the indigenous village ‘Aldeia Verde’, in Mina Gerais, Brazil. It aims at bridging different visions of the Universe by collecting indigenous knowledge. The project’s main objective is to record, transcribe and translate unpublished songs about the sky […]

Madagascar STEM Non-profit Completes a Successful OAD Project

Madagascar STEM non-profit completes LAMPS project

A team of female scientists from Ikala STEM (Women in STEM – Madagascar) implemented LAMPS, a project to directly address the inequality between urban and rural Madagascar in accessing quality STEM education and to showcase the relevance of science in everyday life. Originally planned to be held in the AVN-host city of Arivonimamo, this OAD-funded […]

Final Workshops of the OruMbya Intercultural Project

Final Workshops of the OruMbya Intercultural Project

The final workshops of the OruMbya intercultural project were conducted virtually in September and October 2021. OruMbya (Orum: sky in Yorubá; and Mbya: Brazilian Guarani ethnicity) is a pilot project to celebrate Astronomy as the fuel of life, in which the stories of the stars are preserved in the resilience of people from 4 different […]

Astronomy Project Helps Chilean Indigenous Students Rediscover Ancestral Roots

RITA Indigenous Students Rediscover Ancestral Roots

The Rediscovering Identity Through Astronomy (RITA) project is using astronomy as a means of common humanitarian awareness, to help indigenous students rediscover ancestral roots. During the project, students, with the help of their teachers, identify with their ancestral roots and indigenous culture through the exploration of worldviews. RITA hopes to increase the interest of indigenous […]