The core idea is to stimulate interest in astronomy through astronomy clubs in secondary schools. The project is a consolidation of a previous OAD project “AstroBus Nigeria”. This project aimed to establish astronomy clubs in 4 secondary schools with the provision of materials needed to stimulate greater interest and help in the activities of these clubs. The target audience are secondary school students aged between 11 – 20 years old [we will encourage the formation of Junior AstroJet club junior secondary pupil aged between 11 – 15 and Senior Astrojet club for senoir secondary pupil aged between 14 -20]. The project tends to provide computers equipped with astronomical materials like videos, lectures, DIYs, etc. which the students can always access for knowledge. The astronomy clubs will be managed by the school’s physics teachers and their various school managements. The project will increase the knowledge about astronomy and active participation in STEM.
The team visited the schools first to introduce project to the school management. With approval from the schools, the project team visited the schools in May-June 2023 and delivered
Lectures on Project Introduction, Astronomy/Astrophysics, Solar System, and Career Development in Science/Astroscience.
Establishment of Astronomy Club
Donations of laptops to the Astroclub represented by their teachers. The laptops were equipped with e-books, videos and application software such as Celestia, Stellarium, Space Engine, Skychart, Google Earth, World wide telescope and others.
Surveys and interviews were conducted to gather feedback from students and physics teachers regarding the impact of the Astronomy Club on their understanding and interest in astronomy. The team found Increased Interest in Science Enrollment in Trinity Secondary School by 30%, Union Secondary School by 25% and St. Joseph Seminary and Special Science Secondary School, Awka-Etiti by 10%.