An astronomical kit for the visually impaired

The goal is to develop a kit with different astronomical activities to help communicators and teachers in reaching children with visual impairments. The kit will consist of: (a) “The sky in your hands”, a planetarium program with original soundtrack in various languages, and a half-sphere with constellations engraved in it, (b) a booklet of activities to be carried out with the planetarium half-sphere, (c) a tactile 3D Moon specially designed for the visually impaired, along with a booklet of Moon activities, (d) one set of the FETTU braille sheets with an activity guide, and (e) a book on tactile astronomy. The kit will be sent to developing countries through the Universe Awerness (UNAWE), Astronomers without Borders (AWB) and Global Hands-On Universe (GHOU) networks of national points of contact in those regions or countries. Depending on the amount of funding available, we are planning to send initially 10 kits to Asia, 10 to Africa and 8 to Southamerica. Another 2 will be carried around by the Galileo Mobile project to difficult to reach regions of the world.