The ASASAC “Festivalitos de Astronomía” will address the communities in Colombia making public outreach, appropriation (The integration of the scientific culture into the general culture) , dissemination and education of Astronomy and Space Sciences in municipalities with low level of access to educational and cultural programs. Our purpose is to generate an educational, social and […]
Monthly Archives: December 2017
The purpose of this project is to create a 3D tactile planetarium that will promote astronomy and provide an experience of STEM that is fun, engaging and inspires curiosity in an inclusive environment. The resources will focus on using low-cost materials such as Styrofoam, beads, twine, plastic bags and newsprint, which make this project accessible […]
SYSTEM Sounds is a science-art project which translates astronomical systems and data into music and sound, and integrates them into high quality videos with broad public appeal. Following the success of our initial releases on TRAPPIST-1 and Saturn, we wish to extend this project to other systems with a focus on well known objects and […]
The results of an inquiry into the indigenous and cultural astronomy of the Lamba people of the Copperbelt Province of Zambia have been reported in the first stage inquiry. The study has assessed the oral astronomy knowledge, culture and beliefs which relate to celestial bodies, astronomy events and related behaviour that are held by the […]
Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) seeks to provide clean energy access, Digital education and Livelihood access through solar power for the remote unelectrified Himalayan communities, located in the higher reaches of the Himalaya above 13000 ft, by providing energy access through DC solar micro-grids. Energy access intervention has acted as a tool for further development and […]