The ASASAC “Festivalitos de Astronomía” will address the communities in Colombia making public outreach, appropriation (The integration of the scientific culture into the general culture) , dissemination and education of Astronomy and Space Sciences in municipalities with low level of access to educational and cultural programs. Our purpose is to generate an educational, social and cultural impact through Lectures, telescope observations, astronomy workshops, among others, aimed at the general public bringing them closer to science and scientific thinking. Currently these types of activities do not reach small communities because scientific culture unfortunately is not a priority among policy drivers about the social problems that the country is experiencing. “Festivalitos de Astronomía” will reach 10 municipalities of the country in the periphery of Bogota (first phase) with the mentioned activities. This is going to be the starter for the Astronomy clubs in the municipalities, which ASASAC will promote and facilitate after the main activity is over so it last in time. This new astronomy clubs will meet initially once or twice a month, they will share experiences of observation of the night sky, make study groups, and go for observation of the night sky