Between May 28 to June 10, 2018, the project will conduct, on different islands of Cape Verde, educational and cultural activities related to astronomy, such as courses for teachers, sessions for students and public observations of the sky and the sun.
Starry Nights in Cape Verde – Astronomy in the West African Islands is a project of the Portuguese Language Office of Astronomy for Development (PLOAD), coordinated by the professor of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of the University of Cape Verde, Ivanilda Cabral Semedo.
The project is carried out by the University of Cape Verde, Interactive Nucleus of Astronomy (NUCLIO, Portugal) and Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MAST, Brazil) and executed by an international team of professors from Portuguese speaking countries.
Starry Nights in Cape Verde aims to popularize Astronomy in the country. The final days of the project are intended for the Third Annual Meeting of PLOAD, when other joint practices with member countries will be discussed. Such as the celebration of the 100 years of proving the General Theory of Relativity, since Portugal, Principe and Brazil were protagonists in the experimental measurements that changed the theory of gravitation.
The teacher training activities have already started, with 150 teachers participating in the first two days of activities.