The AstroBus-Ethiopia project is fairly well following the proposed timeline. For most of the time since February 2016, the group regularly held skype meetings and developed a system that helps organize the different activities. We used to manage our unstructured conversations among the group and google docs for documenting all structured tasks. As a result of these two platforms we could quantify our progress with little effort. Moreover, such structure also gave us an easy way to share materials and ideas in ordered fashion.
Currently we have finished setting up details regarding our travel. We managed to raise about 8000 Euros extra in cash and 500 Euros in the form of hand held telescopes. Despite securing only half the amount we requested from OAD, the extra cash enables us to keep our proposed activities albeit a change of number of travel dates from 15 to 10. We plan to give out the small telescopes we got from the OAD, the Entoto Observatory, and through the Astronomers without borders crowd funding site – – to different schools we will be visiting in our project. We hope this will keep inspire many more young generations in those schools.
The information about the project, the team members and other information can be accessed through our website