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- Weekly (Thursday) lectures in with cooperation with JAS & AUASS
- Intiated online astronomy lectures to communicate with the students, school pupils and public from all arab countries
- Lecture by the first Romanian astronaut Dumitru Prunariu
- EA-ROAD is preparing for the celebration of the solar annular eclipse in Ethiopia on June 21 2020 in collaboration with Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute, Ethiopian Space Science Society and Ethiopian Ministry of culture and Tourism
- The EA-ROAD Director witnessed the launch of the 1st Ethiopian Satellite ETRSS1 in December 2019 which was inspiring and created interest in investing more in space science in East Africa
- European ROAD hosted a symposium celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Pale Blue Dot in Leiden in Februrary 2020
- European ROAD will organize a special session about Astronomy for Development and Climate at the EAS Annual Meeting (EWASS) June/July 2020 in Leiden. The program will be held online.
North America
- Putting in place the final details of the structure for the new office
- The office will begin an in-depth needs assessment of the North American region in the coming weeks to help get a clear picture of what activities are currently taking place across North America, and what are the greatest needs for the region
- Webinar promoted by Institute of Astrophysics and Space Science (Portugal) during the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- PLOAD participated in the OAD Steering Committee and Regions meeting and Science for Development Workshop in Cape Town
- Radio Astronomy Summer Schools were held in Jan 2020
- SEAAN History and Heritage Working Group “2020H&H: Exploring the History of SE Asian Astronomy was held 2 – 5 February 2020, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Galaxy Forum Southeast Asia 2020 was held on 3 March 2020 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Areg Mickaelian visited Artsakh for the signing of agreement between the Artsakh Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) for cooperation on science, education and outreach
- The Office is developing online astronomy lectures to communicate with the students, school pupils and the public
- NASE workshop scheduled from 14-17 April has been postponed indefinitely due to the corona virus pandemic