The third GUAtemalan School of Astrophysics (GUASA) was held in Guatemala City and it was on Compact Objects under the motto: Compact Objects: Neutron Stars, White Dwarfs and Black Holes. The school aimed to bring together local Central American/Caribbean undergraduate students of physics /mathematics /engineering, with experts from prestigious astronomical institutions from around the world. We believe that this school helped to motivate the students to pursue major degrees in Astronomy elsewhere as well as the presentation of current works in astronomy being developed in the region.
GUASA 2017 included for the first time a poster sesion, where students presented their ongoing work and the interaction between them with the lecturers helped to expand working networks. The school continued to consolidate a group of students who hopefully will become and create the critical mass of professional astronomers/astrophysicists in the region. As a complementary activity this year two of the invited lecturers visited local universities, in order to interact with the university’s comunity.