The Sky on Bike project was proposed and conducted by SPACE, with the goal of popularizing science via Astronomy and Space Sciences throughout the domains of education, public and media. This project has been introducing the wonders of the night sky to identified groups of economically disadvantaged and uneducated population in Indian villages with the aim to create scientific temper. Telescopes were carried on bicycles and set up at locations where public was gathered to show them the night sky. Educators and Volunteers explained the night sky and showed the sky through telescopes and gave out colorful myth busting handouts.
Throughout our observations, the objective was to foster science education and dispel myths, as myths related to celestial events are rampant in many areas of India. While many public observations were conducted for the general masses, our Sky Bikes were also especially used to visit some NGOs to cater to the curiosities of underprivileged children. At these NGOs, we were able to engage with about 450 children coming from nearby slums and other such economically humble backgrounds. Most of these children had fathers who did rickshaw-pulling or were daily wage labors and mothers who worked as maids in the nearby colonies for a living. While many concepts were new for these children, they were able to understand and enthusiastically engaged themselves in these astronomy sessions.
Details of all the events are available in the PDF report