Category Archives: Middle East and North Africa

Winner of Falling Walls Engage 2018

Francesca Fragcoudi, PI of Columba Hypatia: Astronomy for Peace was one of two winners of the Falling Walls Engage for 2018. Falling Walls Engage is an international platform for all forms of science engagement, hosted by Falling Walls in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Its goal is to showcase successful science engagement projects from […]


The ArAS School for Astrophysics (ArAS SfA) is an initiative of the Arab Astronomical Society (ArAS). Its objective is to give students the opportunity to be trained by professional astronomers in order to make up the shortage of expertise in the field. In 2016 and 2018, using funds from IAU-OAD, we were able to provide […]

update: regional workshop

The 2nd Regional Workshop of IAU South West and Central Asian Regional Office of Astronomy for Development was held on 20 September 2018 in Byurakan. Representatives from the IAU, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Turkey were present. Scientific talks were given during the Conference on Sep 17-20. Among the participants of the workshop […]

update: School themes

The preparation for the school is underway ArAS SfA-3 will cover the following fields: Theoretical themes: (i) Star Formation and Nuclear Astrophysics, (ii) Statistical methods for Astronomical Data analysis Writing a proposal: How to write a proposal to obtain observational time in professional telescope Data/Observation: How to get data from telescope archives and How to […]

Final report

“Columba-Hypatia: Astronomy for Peace” is a joint astronomy outreach project by GalileoMobile and the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) which takes place on the island of Cyprus. The project aims to inspire young people, through astronomy, to be curious about science and the cosmos, while also using astronomy as a tool for promoting […]