Category Archives: Europe

Overview of the project

Project leader: Jasmin Evans, Project location: United Kingdom Project Description: This project aims to break down the barriers between science and disability, be that hearing, sight or physical impairment. Astronomy is perceived by many to be a purely visual medium, and this project aims to challenge that by utilizing materials aimed at all of […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Telma Esperança, Project location: Portugal Project description: Portugal is currently going through a deep and serious economic crisis that affects the elderly as well – their economic condition suffered a change and they are easily forgot by the society. In a country in which agriculture was once the maintaining source of the […]

Portuguese project update: eFormação

eFormação de Professores em S. Tomé e Príncipe De 12 de Novembro a 3 de Dezembro decorreu no Príncipe a eFormação de Professores realizada no âmbito do projeto realizado pelo NUCLIO – Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia, GTTP – Galileo Teacher Training Program e o OAD – Office of Astronomy for Development. A eformação teve o […]

Project update: Become a COSMOSpolitan!

Attention, attention! We are looking for future astronauts, space engineers and astronomers! We are sure that we will find them in the Cuiavia and Pomerania schools, so we set off on a journey through the region. Project The Universe – our home full of wonders is implemented by the Innovation Centre Mill of Knowledge and New […]