Category Archives: Blog

A Guide to Starting a Physics Student Society

We have created a toolkit for setting up a physics or astronomy student club. The guide is aimed at university undergraduates who wish to start their own student society. Download the folder at the link below for the full guide, as well as some additional resources. What is a physics student society? A physics student […]

Astronomy should be for all

I am pretty sure that each and every one of us has their own relationship with the discipline of astronomy. According to me, astronomy is quite an interesting discipline of science as it is mind-boggling; it basically broadens one’s curiosity. Coming from a media studies background means that often times I am slightly out of […]

Global Astronomy Month (2016) Blog

Astronomy for Development: Recognition and Consolidation On the 30th March 2016, just before the start of GAM2016, the work of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) was recognized through a very special international event in Edinburgh, UK – the award of the 2016 Edinburgh Medal. This award has placed the IAU and the […]

The Normalcy Curve

Dr. Wanda Diaz is a sight-impaired astrophysicist who uses sound for conducting Astronomy research instead of visual information. She is currently a visiting fellow at the OAD, working on tools and methods to assist people with different learning styles to learn, enjoy and contribute to Science. She wrote this post for the ‘Women in Astronomoy’ […]