“From Dust to Stars” is the first film in the series of the ongoing project Astroproject. This infotainment film with a runtime of 30 mins takes you on an enriching journey of how stars are formed. It introduces to the audience the basic concepts of Astronomy by answering questions like, why do some stars shine brighter than the others?what is the reason for them having different colours ? It also showcases one of the highest altitude observatories in the world “ Indian Astronomical Observatory” at Hanle, Ladakh which is situated at an altitude of 15,000 feet above the msl.
The film is in public domain, free for download and usage. We encourage you to use the film for popularising Astronomy in schools,colleges, science clubs or any other public forum. All we expect you to do is send us a small feedback whenever you watch or screen the film. You could download the feedback form or fill it up online. Please give due credits to Astroproject, as and when the film is screened. Please note, commercial usage of the film is Strictly Prohibited.