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- TF1 coordinator (German Chaparro) is taking part in the IAU Name ExoWorlds contest in Colombia
- Andean coordinator Jaime Forero participated in an event organized by the Center for the Sustainable Development Goals for Latin America on the 2018-2022 development plans for Colombia.
- 5 students graduated in Astronomy and Astrophysics from Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) at Entoto Observatory Research Center.
- EA-ROAD actively involved in coordination of organizing the African Astronomy Scientific meeting (AfAS) and African Leadership Congress (ALC) that will be held in Addis Ababa Ethiopia on October and December 2019, Respectively.
- New project manager for European Regional Office hired: Michelle Willebrands
- George Miley and Michelle Willebrands had meetings with a member of European Parliament, Dutch ministries and Dutch space organization. They discussed the importance of including astronomy and space science for education, outreach and development.
- Michelle gave presentations about European ROAD at the DRAGN workshop in Goonhilly, UK and the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) in Lyon, France.
- NARIT International Astronomical Training Workshop was held in Thailand, 5 – 10 May 2019. It provided students and astronomers from Southeast Asian countries and other developing countries with hands-on experience on observational astronomy and data handling.
- Network for Astronomy School Education Workshop held from 21-24 May 2019 educated new generations of teachers and re-educated current ones.
- 2nd NARIT-STFC Summer School in Radio Astronomy and Technology held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 17 to 28 June 2019
- First Inspiring Stars Workshop in Thailand was jointly organised by NARIT, OAO and NAOJ. Educators and school teachers across Thailand participated in the workshop catered for those who search a platform for teaching under represented students with disabilities.
- Several outreach events organized: Byurakan village school astronomical club, Young Explorers’ Club at BAO, Astronomy School Teachers Training, ArAS School Lectures program, Network for Astronomy School Education (NASE) courses.
- Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan organized a round table in occassion of the International Asteroid Day.
- African Interferometry winter school at North-West University conducted at Potchefstroom Campus from 21-28 June 2019. It attracted participants from 11 different countries.
- Preparations are underway for the AstroLab workshops to be held in Zimbabwe and South Africa (National University of Science and Technology – 30th October to 4th November 2019 and University of Venda -18 to 22 November 2019).
- IAU President, Prof Ewine van Dishoeck visited the region in May. She met with the astronomy community and stakeholders in Nigeria, Ghana, and Sao Tome and Principe.
- Women and Girls in Astronomy programme was launched in Nigeria