LightSound Devices Open Up Astronomy to BVI Audiences

The LightSound Project had a goal of building and donating LightSound solar eclipse sonification devices to audiences along the October 2023 annular and the 2024 total solar eclipse path (USA, Mexico, Canada). LightSound is a device that uses a light sensor to measure the brightness of light and the device then converts it to sound based on the intensity of light. These devices allow blind or low-vision individuals a way to experience eclipses with sound. To achieve this goal, the LightSound team ran workshops across the United States teaching participants how to solder while building the LightSound devices. The devices were then donated to groups hosting eclipse events. Locations included libraries, schools, national and state parks, museums, family gatherings, etc.

We built 102 devices with the IAU OAD funding and with additional funding from the National Science Foundation, Simons Foundation’s In the Path of Totality, and the American Astronomical Society, we build and donated a total of 900 devices across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. We received well over 2500 requests for devices. To try to reach a maximum number of people, we also partnered with the American Council for the Blind and hosted a live LightSound listening event on the day of the total solar eclipse. Groups along the path of totality shared their LightSound live stream during totality. Several thousand people listened to that live stream and it was recorded and made available. The project is open source and available in English, Spanish, and French. More information can be found on our website.

The device distribution was purposefully intended to reach a broad audience. We donated to schools for the blind and standard enrollment schools, communities hosting eclipse events at their local libraries or parks, senior centers, but also accommodated some smaller family gatherings where people could not travel to an event. We tried to spread devices along the path so that people could search for an event nearby to them. Our live streaming event was also intended to allow us to reach many more people that could not get close to the paths of the eclipse.


In total, this project held 8 workshops to train participants to solder and build LightSound devices. These events were held at museums, maker spaces, and Universities and open to the pubic. Specifically with the OAD funding, we held 1 workshop at the University of Arizona with TIMESTEP (Tucson Initiative for Minoritized student Engagement in Science and TEchnology Program) students. It was a 1 day program where we taught 20 students how to solder while building the LightSound devices.



LightSound devices – we built and donated 102 devices (from this funding) through workshop events (and 900 devices in total from all funding). These devices impacted 100s of thousands of people at events all across the United States, Mexico, and Canada. These 900 devices built allowed community events, and targeted events for the blind and low-vision, a way to engage in an eclipse through sound. This made events more inclusive.

LightSound workshops – workshops were run to build devices. Participants did not need any previous experience. It was a learning experience for them and a way for us to engage communities while building devices to be donated back to the communities. Several hundred people participated in the workshops. These workshops allowed people – from school aged to seniors – a way to learn how to solder and build devices. People were happy to volunteer their time to help build devices that were getting donated back into their communities.

LightSound website – we redesigned our website to ensure accessibility (screen reader capable, language availability, and alt-text). It was important to make sure that our materials were able accessible to those communities that were engaging in the eclipse. We also made sure that our newly redesigned website was screen reader friendly with appropriate alternative text for blind or low-vision users.

LightSound documentation – The eclipse path crossed the United States, and parts of Canada and Mexico, where the primary languages spoke are English, Spanish, and French. Our documentation existed in English and Spanish, but we did have the documentation translated to French for this eclipse

LightSound recordings – we held multiple Question and Answer zoom sessions and created flyers for LightSound users to engage with. We wanted to ensure that LightSound users understood how to use the device correctly. Along with online documentation, we held zoom questions and answers which allowed a time for people to ask questions. We also just provided a general overview of best practices and uses. These were recorded.

LightSound live stream – we partnered with the American Council for the Blind to host a live stream event during the total solar eclipse. The live stream event was recorded as well and is available at the top of our website. It was live attended by several thousand people. In the recording you can hear feedback at the end of people’s reaction to the event.