Category Archives: TF3 funded projects

Update: Events

The Astrobebés project developed in Bogota by the Bogotà Planetary team until July 15, 2017 has intervened at 7 localities targeting the community in three modalities: Institutional Field, Family Area and Activities in the Bogotà Planetarium. 1. Institutional Scope: This modality is defined as the attention given to the community of children from 0 to 3 […]

Update – building the physical simulator

Project DarkSkySim aims to design a physical simulator that will demonstrate the effects of light pollution on the starry sky and the difference that well-designed lighting can make. The simulator will consist of a LED-based board simulating the starry sky and several light fixtures varying from full-cutoff dark-sky friendly lights to completely unshielded lights. The […]

Update: Planetarium content development

The project is focussed on developing new content that is culturally relevant and which speaks to the needs of the local population. In addition, the project is developing the capacity to produce own content, thereby making us less reliant on very expensive licenses, and keeping our planetarium offerings fresh. The Iziko Planetarium in Cape Town […]

Final Report and Resources

The Sky on a Bike project was proposed and conducted by SPACE, with the goal of popularizing science via Astronomy and Space Sciences throughout the domains of education, public and media. This project has been introducing the wonders of the night sky to identified groups of economically disadvantaged and uneducated population in Indian villages with […]