Category Archives: Sub-Saharan Africa

update: 1 day event

Girls Astronomy Camp Obasanjo Space Centre, National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) campus, Abuja, Nigeria 28th April, 2018 An astronomy awareness day is being held as part of the project ‘Girls Astronomy Camp’ in Abuja, Nigeria, supported by the OAD. Fifty young girls are being selected to participate in this camp. A lot of […]

update: Coding workshops

The Cosmic Code: First Contact is a project that aims to introduce coding within an astronomy setting to the rural communities of Zululand (and beyond!). The CosCode programme includes introductory coding workshops using Scratch and Python, all run on Raspberry Pi’s. Various accessories and sensors were combined with the Raspberry Pi’s, allowing for a robotics’ […]

update – Astrolab Tutors Training Announcement

Astrolab Tutors Training 18-22 June 2018 University of Zululand Physics and Engineering Department 3886, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Application link:  Deadline: March 31, 2018 More information: The widespread interest in astronomy can be tapped not only to increase knowledge but also to illuminate the nature of science with the interdisciplinary nature of astronomy and its natural […]

update: Project delays

The project received substantial financial support from the University of Namibia Department of Physics which was used towards the purchase of a camera system for the telescope, as described in the project. The project team then invited experts from South Africa to help set-up the system after it had finally arrived in Namibia. During test […]

Final report

Madagascar Astronomy Python Workshop (MadaAstroPy) was a Python programming workshop for scientific postgraduate students in the field of physics / mathematics / engineering and particularly targeted for astrophysics students in Antananarivo, Madagascar for the first time. The workshop was held at the Institute & Observatory of Geophysics in Antananarivo (IOGA) within the University of Antananarivo from […]