Category Archives: COVID-19

OAD Injection Moulding Machine – Recycling waste plastic

Target location: South Africa Target audience: SAAO visitors, Schools Waste plastic is a golden opportunity. The project plans to up-cycle plastic to reduce the impact on the enviroment as well as add to livelihood opportunities. The injection molding machine is suitable for a small scale production facility for manufacturing, for example, breathing masks.

Online collaboration and studentship Assistance Amidst Covid-19

Target location: Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Mauritius, Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Rwanda, USA, Canada, Mexico, Uganda, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Gabon. Target audience: University students: Undergraduate (BSc) and Postgraduate (MSc) Online Collaboration and Studentship Assistance Amidst Covid-19 is a focused project to assist Southern African and West African Regional Offices access online […]

Online Learning Web Application for University and High School Students

Target location: Nigeria and West African Countries. Target audience: Students of universities studying Physics & Astronomy and students in high/secondary schools. For students in universities, we will use the curriculum for Physics & Astronomy department of University of Nigeria, Nsukka to develop the lessons. That means we would involve the lecturers of the dept. For […]

Protect Our Stars (POS)

Target location: Bukina Faso Target audience: Students of Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo The project will support the students and supervisors at the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University to resume their work at the university safely, especially when remote activities are impossible. This will involve making reusable local masks, acquisition of recyclable personal protection equipment and handwash for laboratory […]

Providing astronomy inspiration & Hygienic Supplies to underserved families

Target location: South Africa Target audience: The families of the 110 female students enrolled at the Molo Mhlaba primary school in Khayelitsha, and the female students themselves. Informal and partially informal settlements in South Africa are incredibly vulnerable to the spread of the Covid-19 virus. One of the communities in Cape Town is Khayelitsha where […]