Category Archives: 2020

Translating and Distributing ‘Space Scoop’ to Students in Underprivileged Areas of Pakistan

Target location: Pakistan Target audience: School going children who do not have access to the internet. They are particularly hit hard by the school closures due to the pandemic. Students who belong to distant/underprivileged areas of Pakistan where English medium schools do not exist and their education is primarily in Urdu. Apart from this, this […]

Under the Sky of Iran Campaign

Target location: Iran and Afghanistan Target audience: The project can include different groups of people, but the content of our training and teaching is prepared and designed for early, middle and late adolescence, especially those living in deprived and underdeveloped cities with limited access to the Internet or not even technological and digital devices. Teachers […]

Virtual Classroom Under the sky – PBL with Astronomy

Target location: South America Target audience: Preschool, primary and secundary teachers This meeting of Virtual classroom under the stars is aimed at preschool, primary and secondary teachers, astronomy fans from South America. The meeting aims to share pedagogical and methodological tools for teaching astronomy, through projects to explore and study the astronomical world and prepare […]