Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Farewell to Vanessa McBride Who Joins the International Science Council

Speech delivered by OAD Director Kevin Govender at Vanessa’s farewell on Monday, 23 October 2023 at the South African Astronomical Observatory   Photo by Moleboge Lekoloane Lebo   It is only on very special occasions that I actually write down the words of a speech. This is such an occasion. It is not a sad goodbye […]

Science engagement in Remote Areas of Pakistan

All children have a right to a high-quality education and equitable access to educational opportunities, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic condition. Through informal physics and astronomy-related blended learning encounters, “Astro-Phy Quench” has engaged the students from marginalized and underprivileged backgrounds to develop science identity.  The project engaged a) secondary and higher secondary school […]

Astrotourism Project in India Empowers Local Youth

AstroTribe is an initiative by AstronEra that is committed to nurturing curiosity, disseminating astronomical knowledge, and empowering underprivileged students worldwide. It embraces the pristine night skies of Himachal Pradesh and Leh-Ladakh in India, as well as the favelas of Brazil. In these regions, where the night sky holds untapped potential for astrotourism, AstroTribe empowers local […]

Astronomy-themed Scout Camp in Kenya

The project revolves around hosting an astronomy-themed scout camp designed for students aged 12 to 15. The goal is to cultivate a passion for astronomy, instill a commitment to preserving the night sky, promote engagement in STEM and engineering disciplines among both genders, and establish connections with the Kenya Scouts Association. We plan to organise […]

Interactive Astronomy Workshops and Board Games in Guatemala

Guatemala is a country with limited access to scientific knowledge, particularly in remote areas and among economically disadvantaged populations. ‘Inclusive Astronomy in Guatemala‘ comprises a series of activities aimed at providing these populations with access to the dynamics of science, with the hope of fostering interest and development in science within their communities. These activities […]