Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

IAU OAD Newsletter #28 January-June 2021

Cover image of the OAD newsletter

The IAU OAD has published its latest newsletter for the January to June 2021 period. Highlights in the IAU OAD Newsletter #28 for Jan-Jun 2021: Call for IAU OAD Fellows Article on the threat posed by COVID-19 to basic science funding 10 years of Astronomy for Development New partnerships, meeting highlights (with links to recordings), […]

Astronomical Data Analysis Workshop (21-31 August 2021)

screenshot of the Astro Sprint website

The Astro Sprint project is organizing its second astronomical data analysis workshop, Discovery, online from 21-31 August 2021. The Astro Sprint OAD project has opened registrations for its second workshop on astronomical data analysis. Participants will be shown step-by-step techniques of accessing and analysing astronomy data from the internet. Certificates will be provided to students […]

OAD Project Selected as LCO Global Sky Partner

Las Cumbres Observatory Global Sky Partners poster

Shristi Astronomy has been selected as a LCO Global Sky Partner and will receive time on the Las Cumbres Observatory telescope network. Shristi Astronomy in India coordinates the OAD Project Astro Sprint which trains students on accessing and analysing astronomy data available online. Students are trained on virtual observatory tools and programmimg techniques and will […]

Supporting Girls Education in Kenya

Tutor Elizabeth Wanjiriu Kamau, a University of Nairobi Astrophysics graduate, provides mentorship to schoolgirls by talking about her own journey through education and her career path

this article on girls education was published on DARA Big Data. Read the full article. Elimisha Msichana, Elimisha Jamii na Astronomia (EMEJA) started as a mentorship programme to support girls education for school girls in Kenya between 12 to 18 years old. The programme was founded by Kenyan DARA Project student Ann Njeri, who is […]

Remote Fellowship at IAU Office of Astronomy for Development

OAD call for remote fellows

The IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) seeks inspired individuals from any relevant background for its remote fellowship program. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), in partnership with the South African National Research Foundation (NRF), established the global Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) in Cape Town, South […]