Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Astrobus Program Inspires Students in Nigeria

NAIJABUS is an Astrobus program aimed at sensitizing and inspiring the youth, particularly girls, to embrace space science initiatives. The project was conducted by the Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka Nigeria in partnership with local and international collaborators (Department of Physics COOU, Anambra State, Nigeria; West African Regional Office of Astronomy for Development, Nigeria […]

Stakeholders Discuss Environmental Protection in Mongolia Through Astronomy

This project organized a national seminar on “Environmental protection in Gobi region of Mongolia using astronomical outreach activities”. Climate change and other human induced activities have had a significant impact on the Gobi region, resulting in light pollution, desertification, increased occurrences of drought, water source depletion, dust storm and a decrease in biological diversity as […]

Art and Science Come Together in “Astrologos” Stories (Italian)

Astrologos stories

Source – INAF “Astrologos” is a science-art project funded by the OAD that revolves around the recording of five short stories by world-renowned writer Italo Calvino, taken from the book ‘Cosmicomics’, inspired by astronomical facts, and commented on by several astronomers. The recordings, accompanied by original soundtracks and drawings, are publicly available online (Italian). The […]

CosmoAmautas OAD Project Publishes in Nature Astronomy Journal

CosmoAmautas project article in Nature Astronomy

The CosmoAmautas teacher training project funded by the IAU OAD have published a comment in Nature Astronomy. The article, “The CosmoAmautas project for equitable scientific education in Peru“, presents how the project team is using astronomy to contribute to an accessible and decentralized scientific education in Peru. 95% of the teachers reported having learnt new […]

IAU will Support 17 Astro4Dev Projects in 2022

Astro-STEM workshops for girls, Kenya

Original announcement by IAU The Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) is pleased to announce the results of its 2021 call for proposals, through which 17 projects around the world will receive a total of €109,822 in 2022. These projects will address various socio-economic and sustainable-development challenges using astronomy-related interventions. The selected initiatives include a community-empowerment […]