Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Brazilian Project Brings Together Astronomy, Indigenous Knowledge, and Culture

Logo of OruMbya project on astronomy and afro, indigenous culture in Brazil

OruMbya (Orum, sky in Yorubá, and Mbya, a Brazilian Guarani ethnicity) is a pilot project to celebrate Astronomy as a fuel of life, in which the stories of the stars preserved in the resilience of people from three different continents have been shared over months, through scientific-cultural activities focused on the dissemination of knowledge, promotion […]

Sonification Project Improves Science Engagement

The SYSTEM Sounds project produced 9 Sonification videos (True Love Waits, Saturn Harp, Jupiter’s Moons, Black Widow Pulsar, Black Widow Pulsar (Narrated), Music of K2-187 Exoplanets, Light Curves of K2-187, Entire Light Curve of K2-187, Moon Impacts). The videos have been viewed over 185 000 times on YouTube and the project was featured on, […]

Solar Learning Hub Installed in IDP Camp

Due to delays caused by COVID-19, the IDP Children’s Astronomy project was officially launched in February 2021. The team setup a solar powered learning hub which is a critical part of the project. This involved refurbishing an old shipping container and installing the solar panels, computer, smart tv, charging ports and others. On the day […]

Chilean Workshop Improves Student Learning

The project implemented the workshop “Crea tu propio asteroide” (Create your own asteroid) in a diverse collection of schools and locations. Most of the schools were public and located in small communities and towns along Chile, where astronomy is not a common topic in the scholar curriculum. Twenty public schools and 8 subsidized schools were selected […]

Astronomy and Upskilling at a Nigerian Prison

The Astro-prison project aimed to boost morale and create behavioural change among inmates at Nigerian prisons. It also wanted to provide practical job skills and improve literacy. was carried out in collaboration with CAPIO (Carmelite prisoners interest organization), Enugu State. The project was executed on 16, 17 and 20th of August, 2021. The planning of […]