Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Overview: Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria

The project “Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria” is a unique project geared towards awakening the interest of the girl-child for active participation in astronomical activities. In Africa, the study of astronomy is lagging compared to what is obtainable in the western world. The story is not different in Nigeria as […]

Overview: An initiative for development of local communities in “La Tatacoa”

La Tatacoa is home to numerous fossil deposits, some of which date to the pre-Cambrian period. It is also considered one of the best destinations for astrotourism due to its dark skies, excellent weather and landscapes. During the last decades, the number of visitors per year has been growing, reaching almost 50000 in 2019 when […]

Overview: AstroPhy Ghana

The project AstroPhy Ghana aims to train Senior High Schools (SHS)/University level 100 students within Accra in Ghana and introduce the students to basic python programming language, astronomy observation and data reduction. A table-top radio telescope (TTRT) will be built using a software-defined radio as a receiver, an amplifier and a horn as an antenna […]

Overview: Scouts for Astronomy

Core project idea: To hold an astronomy-scouts camp for students between the ages of 12 and 15 years to build interest in Astronomy and protecting the night sky, to inspire uptake of STEM and engineering subjects for both girls and boys and forge relationships with the Kenya Scouts Association. What we will do: We will […]

Overview: Guide Training for the Tribal Students (Phase 2)

After successfully completing the training of 15 Tribal Students in AstroTribe 2022 project, AstronEra will be training 15 more tribal students to become AstroGuides in 2023. Tribal communities are generally, economically backwards in India. The project aims to develop an ‘earn & learn’ opportunity for the tribal students through working as astronomy guides. This will […]