Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Overview: Astronomy cadets afterschools

We will hold afterschool sessions for families in our local area, in areas of low science capital, of social deprivation and from all religious backgrounds. The sessions will run during school term-time as a one-hour activity one day per week. Sessions will have 15 children to ensure they get a quality experience, signing up on […]

Overview: “Astro-Phy Quench” – School of Astronomy and Physics

According to UN, Pakistan is the 5th Populus country. For Children b/w 5 &16 years, 32 % are not in school, second largest in world (53 % of whom are girls). Inequality is pervasive b/w urban-rural locations. Women’s labour force participation rate (21.5%) is among the lowest in region, as are rates of gender parity […]

Overview: Astronomy Club in Secondary Schools in Nigeria

The core idea is to stimulate interest in astronomy through astronomy clubs in secondary schools. The project is a consolidation of a previous OAD project “AstroBus Nigeria”. This project aimed to establish astronomy clubs in 4 secondary schools with the provision of materials needed to stimulate greater interest and help in the activities of these […]

Overview: LightSound Project: Accessibility for the Blind/Low-Vision Community

The LightSound Project began in 2017 as a way to make solar eclipses accessible to the blind and low-vision (BLV) community. LightSound is a low-cost, smartphone-size device that uses Arduino technology to convert light intensity to sound, giving BLV people another way to engage with an eclipse. During the 2017 eclipse, we deployed 3 devices […]

Overview: Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria

The project “Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria” is a unique project geared towards awakening the interest of the girl-child for active participation in astronomical activities. In Africa, the study of astronomy is lagging compared to what is obtainable in the western world. The story is not different in Nigeria as […]