Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Overview: Developing Basic Science and Astronomy using Experimental Satellites, Ghana

DBSAES7 uses space-based techniques (actual space-based mission) to build & develop a sustainable approach to teaching & learning the basic sciences while developing hands-on skills, building capacity & human resource in Space science & Astronomy. Space engineering, instrumentation & learning, based on the experimental satellite (Cansat) design/mission concept, enables students to gain hands-on experience through […]

Overview: Science and Astronomy in Southern Botswana

Inequality between remote area dwellers and others has long been a problem in Botswana, especially concerning basic education. Distances are great and conditions make equal distribution of resources uneven, a condition exacerbated by the pandemic. Teachers in rural areas live in tents and are often deprived of minimal tools for teaching, let alone introducing young […]

Overview: Langkawians Guide Malaysians to the Stars

Langkawi Island is Malaysia’s top tourist attraction but it was hit hard by the pandemic crisis. Even though the sector is recovering, many tourist guides are still struggling with financial stress. During the pandemic, they are not able to renew their tour guide badges due to money shortage while during post-pandemic, there are not sufficient […]

Overview: OruMbya – a library of silenced voices

Brazil is a complex country. Although the majority of Brazil’s population is composed of black people and women, there is still an underrepresentation of women, black, LGBTQIA+ and indigenous people in the sciences, especially in Physics and Astronomy. Our main goal is to strengthen primary and secondary education in science, through equity and equal opportunities […]

Overview: Astro-Prison Consolidation in Nigeria

In a bid to improve the prison services and welfare of its inmates across Nigeria, Nigerian Prison Services was renamed the Nigerian Correctional Services (NCS) through an Act of Parliament that was enacted in 2019. Thus, in partnership with Carmelite Prisoners’ Interest Organization (a Non-governmental Organization) which has a long standing Memorandum of Understanding with […]