Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Astronomy Program to Improve Science & Math Outcomes in High School

The main goal of the APSS project was to develop a sustainable model that uses astronomy to improve the low levels of science and math outcomes in rural areas of South Africa. To achieve this, the project organised a number of complementary activities, involving various stakeholders and targeting multiple audiences – a teachers workshop, parents […]

CanSat Ghana – Space Technology for Sustainable Development

On Saturday, 6th May 2023, the Elementary Launch of CanSat Ghana commenced at the KNUST’s Engineering Department. CanSat Ghana is a foundation focused on helping Ghana develop its space sector through building experimental satellites (CanSats). A CanSat is a simulation of a real satellite, integrated within the volume and shape of a soft drinks can. […]

Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development – 24-hour online event

Join scientists for a 24-hour online event around the globe 5 June – 5:00 GMT / 6 June – 5:00 GMT How are scientists paving the way to the collective progress towards sustainable development? How could they do better, and more? International scientific unions, research organizations, science academies, learned societies, and scientific networks involved in […]

SciGirls Empowers Rural Girls As Leaders and STEM Advocates

The SciGirls project aims to improve, in the long term, the gender gap in science, and the current lack of girls in STEM, by empowering secondary school girls from rural areas and their female science teachers using astronomy and its multidisciplinarity. The team organised a capacity-building workshop for 30 participants from different regions of Ethiopia, […]

Nigerian Project Develops DIY, Low Cost Radio Telescope for Teaching

This project developed an educational Do-IT-Yourself (DIY) low cost and portable hydrogen line radio telescope system for teaching radio astronomy techniques at university level in Nigeria. This telescope is capable of detecting and mapping the 21cm hydrogen line emission from the Milky Way Galaxy. The first phase of the project involved the preparation of a […]