Author Archives: Ram Venugopal

Promoting Intellectual Engagement and Well-being at a Psychiatry Facility

In May 2023, OAD Fellow Dominic Vertue organised a series of educational sessions at the Community Mental Health and Psychiatry Foundation (CMHPF) in Cape Town, South Africa, as part of the Astronomy for Mental Health project. The primary goal was to stimulate intellectual engagement while contributing to overall well-being using astronomy. The sessions used a […]

Improving Cultural Astronomy Education in Bolivia

The AstroEdu3D – Archeoastronomy Teaching Kit in Bolivia project developed teaching kits in Cultural Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the Tiwanakota culture of Bolivia. The objective was to provide resources to educators and students interested in Astronomy and pre-Inca cultures of Bolivia to develop a class on Tiwanacota Archeoastronomy topic. The products of […]

Project Develops Astronomy Research Capacity in Central America and Caribbean

Cenca Bridge

The Cenca Bridge remote internship program provided astronomy research opportunity for undergraduate students from Central America and the Caribbean. The project admitted 9 students to the remote internship program, and trained them to perform astronomy research with a faculty from an established institution. Each student was paired with a mentor. The remote research internship was […]